Skrivet: - Kategori: Always Kidrauhl (PAUSAD) - Kommentarer: 3

ChapterThirteen . Diary

Dear Diary.

I always thought my whole life wer figured out, that my dad had done all that work for me. That when he's reaching to the stars and leave tis world behind that I would be the one who would spread our generation further. That hilton hotel someday will be me life, that I would travel all around the world inprivate jets and go to meating, arrange with luxury events and meet the perfect husband, have the perfect kids and mayby a dog. I always thought that it's were my goal in this life.

I've done thing, things im not proud of. Things I regret and things I can't take back, beacuse it is what it is. When I met Chace I thought that he was the right one, he was the one I were going to marry. We didn't always had the perfect relationship, and I never really had those butterflies in my stomach when he were around. Beacuse I always thoght that they would come when the time was right. But they never did. He was the perfect boyfriend, atleast I thought he was until he cheated on me. I can't say that I'm sad, all I feel is relife.

I always have perfect grades and my teachers never complain so my dad would be happy right? I never really know what he thinks about me, beacuse we never talk. I can't say I complain, but sometimes I miss to have him around. I miss to be his litte girl.

I really don't know what life will bring me. And I don't know what's going to happen. But I'm open to whatever life brings me. And for this day and forward I promise to change, to be a better me. 
Justin gave me this diary, It was the perfect gift. He's really something that bieber kid..

"Always be yourself no matter what, beacuse there's no one better."

Isadora använde den silvriga lilla nyckeln och låste det rosa blocket, henne dagbok. Ett leende spreds på hennes rosenröda läppar och hon kände värme. Den lilla nyckeln hängde hon sedan välpacerat runt hennes handled i en silverkedja, på så vis kunde hon vara säker på att ingen kunde läsa dagboken. Den var bara hennes, hennes tankar och ord som uttrycktes i meningar.
Den kyliga natten spreds i hennes sovrum genom det öpnna fönstret, det var e behaglig kyla som gick längs ryggraden och orsakade knottrig hy. Med en rörelse begav hon sig mot fönstret, skådade alla dess glittrande stjärnor som spreds på den mörka himlen, stjärntecken som karlavagnen och orions bälte var bra några av dem få som hon kunde skymta. Det var vackert, det var något med mörka nätter och stjärnor som tilltalade Isadora. Som om det var ett litet tecken på att hennes mamma fanns där uppe, cirkulerandes bland dem andra stjärnrna och såg ner på henne, begrundade henne för vare steg hon tog.


CarroBieber<3 skrev:

jättebra! :D du är super duktig på att skriva! :)

Datum: 2011-12-29 / Klockan: 19:04:58 /

Anonym skrev:

Vad har hänt me designen?? :P

Datum: 2011-12-30 / Klockan: 11:35:11 /

Anonym skrev:

sjukt bra! :)

Datum: 2011-12-30 / Klockan: 15:58:47 / URL/Blogg:

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